Wednesday, February 28, 2007
  1. First go to
  2. Sign up for a free account and free sub domain.
  3. Go to File Manager and upload 1 SWF file.
  4. To access the SWF file you need to publish the Flash first.
  5. Then click on the SWF file and post a link on your blog.
My first animation online!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Another great article on what people actually read online.
Perhaps this post can help us all. Concise is the important word.

Monday, February 26, 2007

HTML is still important and we will learn it in here.

Friday, February 23, 2007

By now you have created one or two Flash animations using a motion tween and different colors. Today I'll collect your first Flash through the network but first you need to put your name at the end of the animation.

Next you are going to create a Flash animation for a business. The business you create the Flash for will be based on your last name. For instance, if your last name begins with the letter F you could create a Flash for a "Fashion Designer" or a "Football player" or ...?

We are going to put the Flash animations online. offers free hosting without any ads.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

An article from someone who thinks our schools are totally outdated.
We are all going to put our Flash files online eventually. Look at this cool Flash from my first period:
What are your first impressions of Flash? Do you enjoy it?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

This guy is actually suing his school because he feels discriminated against because he is a slow typist.

I have two words for him: Micro Type.
Go to

Sign up for
and three other blog feeds (at minimum).

Monday, February 19, 2007

Today we are going to start with the debate over the merger with XM and Sirius.

Start by reading the article and the opposing viewpoints.

Answer the following questions ON YOUR BLOG: Is satellite radio going to make it? Will the merger hurt or help the industry? Will the merger hurt or help consumers?

Leave your comment here only if I don't have you as part of my Google Reader.

Next we are going to be experimenting with Google Sketch-Up. Everyone get it started and experiment with making a house!

Later you will write me a letter about your experiences using Google Documents (
The "Game of the Week". I hope X-Stop allows it. What a neat Flash game!!
If you are at all interested in philosophy here is a good summary.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

1. On your blog write about something interesting you do online.

2. Write a summary of this article using Google Documents and add me as a collaborator (

Write a paper: Which would you invest 100 million dollars in, Google and Yahoo?

Add me as a collaborator:

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

There are perhaps 5% of the population that simply *can’t* think.

There are another 5% who *can*, and *do*.

The remaining 90% *can* think, but *don’t*.

-- I find this true of my students as well.
Try out a fun game made by a student in my computer class!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Monday, February 12, 2007

Fourth Period Leave a comment here.
Third period post your 3 links and ultra brief summaries here.

Now you are going to compare vs. data can be found at :

Copy Total Revenue, Gross Profit, Total Operating Expenses, Net Income from the Income Statement. Copy Total Current Assets,

Total Assets, Total Current Liabilities, Total Liabilities, Total Equity from the Balance sheet of both companies. Students will copy Net Income/Starting Line, Cash from Operating, Cash from Investing, and Cash from Financing. Then you will create a bar graph to compare the two companies for each of the italicized categories.

Use information from the fourth quarter of 2006.

Students are to put the URLs to three articles from and post summaries on their blogs. Explain how will provide suggestions.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

How did someone this stupid even accumulate the money in the first place?

Friday, February 09, 2007

Fourth Period leave a comment.
Third period leave a comment here.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

For your edification and pleasure:

Web 2.0

Really funny and true graph.
Silent reading today.

Read this.

  1. "When it is more important to be seen than to be talented, it is hardly surprising that the less gifted among us are willing to fart our way into the spotlight." - Lakshmi Chaudhry. What is your reaction?
  2. What would you do if someone took a compromising picture of you and posted it on the Internet? Should people have a right to say if they don't want a picture online?
  3. Is the "truly private life" an illusion? Why or why not?
  4. What does the author mean by the "Creolization of media"?
  5. “Things that were not silly. I tried to make my posts highly stylized and short, about things I would imagine people would want to read or comment on.”- I've wondered this about websites like Could the same be said for newspapers?
  6. "When she worked at American Apparel, management posted encouraging remarks on employee MySpace pages." Personally, I find this weird. What do you think?
  7. is a site written by an idiot. Acknowledge he is an idiot for getting in so much trouble with money.
  8. What is your reaction to the article? Did you enjoy it?
Title this post: Online Life.
Maybe we are becoming more illiterate?

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Three posts today.

I posted this:

We are witnessing the rise of the articulate and the marginalization of the inarticulate, whether in our political and business leaders or in our leading brands and most favored Internet sites.

earlier in the week but the budgets consumed all of our class time.

1. You need to post the definition of "marginalization", "inarticulate" and "political" on your blog post.

2. What does this mean? Post your answer on your blog.

3. Next give your opinion. Is it true or not?

Then you need to do the posts below:

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

After you finish with the spreadsheet, answer the following questions :

First read this:

The Internet is undergoing a profound and much needed shift. In its earliest days it was an instrument of individuals, but quickly evolved into a sphere dominated by corporate interests. It got a whole lot fancier and prettier when that happened, but it also got boring. The recent explosion of the read/write (and view/record) Web is putting the Internet back into the creative hands of individuals and the communities they form.

As those of us who are content creators and knowledge managers strive to surf the crest of this rapid change, our most important move may be to simply get out of the way by providing playgrounds where free and freewheeling exchanges of information can take place.

First post. Title it "Internet History":
  1. To what does "Web 2.0" refer?
  2. How do you personally produce content for the web?
  3. What does the "Dot Com" bubble mean? When did it occur?
Second post. Title it "County Information Online"
  1. How does knowing that property information is completely accessible online make you feel about personal information being too accessible?
  2. What are the drawbacks of having such info that can be found at the clerk of courts website available online?
  3. Find the link to pay for parking tickets in Miami. Post it here.
The budgets are coming along nicely.

Today you are going to compare your salary with what the government says is the average salary.

First, click here.

Find Miami. Do you make more than the average or less than the average in 2005? Put this in your Excel worksheet below your total salary.

You will be graded for the following:

  1. Calculating your salary correctly and finding the average salary for Miami.
  2. Including links for automobiles or bus passes, furniture, housing, communication, and gas (MPG).
  3. Color coding your worksheet and applying the proper formatting. If the numbers are hard to read and in a sloppy fashion I will take off points from this grade.
  4. Dividing everything correctly (pay for the larger purchases over the proper amount of time - autos 36 months and furniture and TVs 12 months) and summing everything up correctly.
This is a four grade assignment. Due at the end of class.

Save your Excel worksheet as "MyBudget.xls".
Today you need to add a television in your housing costs. You may try to find the best deal you can.

Although I hate to promote buying "on time" for the purposes of this simulation we will just divide the television and furniture over 1 year as opposed to the 3 year plan for the automobile.
Today you are going to divide your spreadsheet into the following categories:

Misc/Total Saved

Monday, February 05, 2007

Add to your budget the following. Do you want the following?

Cell phone? If so, which plan? Provide the monthly price and a link.
Internet connection? If so, which plan? Give the monthly price and a link.
Cable television or DSL?

Also you need to add the average cost for gasoline each month. First find out the miles per gallon for your car or truck or SUV. Pretend you will drive 1000 miles per month (the average) and calculate the cost per month based on $2.10 per gallon. This is really simple math.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Look at these two points of view:

She doesn't mind living on 12000 per year.

She's scared about it.

Living on 12000 per year would be quite a challenge!!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Today you are going to create an average meal when eating at home for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Make a new section in your "Cool" budget Excel worksheet below the "Entertainment" section and title it "Food". Find the links to each of the foods and leave them below the foods.

Multiply the number of dinners by 30, multiply the number of lunches by 30, and multiply the number of breakfasts by 30. That is, if you never eat out. If you prefer to eat out, and most Americans do, indicate that in your cell by adding the appropriate amount for your meal out. Then subtract the number of dinners or lunches or breakfasts you would

You can buy your furniture used or new. Put the links next to the price.

Now you are going to add a new section to your worksheet which you will title "Clothing". Find one professional outfit online, add the price and the link. Next find a casual outfit and add the price and the link. You can't avoid buying clothes or you'll look like a high school teacher. It isn't pretty.

Now that the budget is taking shape it is time to find out the monthly payments on the vehicle you selected.

Assume a 3.5% interest rate on a new car and a 7.5% interest rate on a used car.

Give yourself 3 years to pay off the car if you are buying it outright. A lease is up to you, but note the fine print when you are comparing leases. Some leases have a high price when you are finished.

Add $108 per month for insurance if your car is not a sports car and $150 per month if it is. This number was a rough calculation based a general group of young drivers and is merely for the sake of the simulation. I figured having everyone contact insurance companies might have been beyond the scope of the class. But it still might've had pedagogical value.

Once you have all this information total up your monthly spending and compare it to the fictional salary. Are you in the red or the black? Can you splurge on a nicer car or are you in over your head?

You will need a cell with your total expenses. Below this cell you will subtract your total monthly salary from your total expenses, this is your total amount saved per month. You'll need savings for your life, notably retirement and the inevitable downturns.


On another note, EVERYONE will need a google account for the new blogger. We are going to be using their spreadsheet program, their reader program, and Google Groups. I gave my computer students google accounts at the beginning of the year and now it's your turn.

I've been too terse with this blog. Instead of merely saying everything in class, I will try to out it out more completely.
It's just funny. No need to comment.

What to say, really?
We are witnessing the rise of the articulate and the marginalization of the inarticulate, whether in our political and business leaders or in our leading brands and most favored Internet sites.

What does this mean? Post your answer on your blog.